Display 9121 - 9160 hits of 13010.
python38-sphinxcontrib-applehelp | 1.0.2-qubes.2.30 | noarch | Sphinx extension which outputs Apple help books | OpenSuSE |
python38-sphinxcontrib-asyncio | 0.3.0-qubes.4.7 | noarch | Sphinx extension to support coroutines in markup | OpenSuSE |
python38-sphinxcontrib-blockdiag | 3.0.0-qubes.2.9 | noarch | Sphinx \"blockdiag\" extension | OpenSuSE |
python38-sphinxcontrib-devhelp | 1.0.2-qubes.2.32 | noarch | Sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp documents | OpenSuSE |
python38-sphinxcontrib-documentedlist | 0.6-qubes.2.2 | noarch | Sphinx DocumentedList extension | OpenSuSE |
python38-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp | 2.0.0-qubes.3.2 | noarch | Sphinx contrib extension to generate html help files | OpenSuSE |
python38-sphinxcontrib-jsmath | 1.0.1-qubes.4.2 | noarch | Sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via Java | OpenSuSE |
python38-sphinxcontrib-newsfeed | 0.1.4-qubes.5.32 | noarch | News Feed extension for Sphinx | OpenSuSE |
python38-sphinxcontrib-qthelp | 1.0.3-qubes.3.2 | noarch | Sphinx extension which outputs QtHelp | OpenSuSE |
python38-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml | 1.1.5-qubes.2.26 | noarch | Sphinx extension which outputs serialized HTML files | OpenSuSE |
python38-sphinxcontrib-websupport | 1.2.4-qubes.2.31 | noarch | Sphinx API for Web Apps | OpenSuSE |
python38-sphinx_rtd_theme | 1.0.0-qubes.2.10 | noarch | ReadTheDocs.org theme for Sphinx | OpenSuSE |
python38-sphobjinv | 2.2.2-qubes.2.1 | noarch | Sphinx objectsinv Inspection/Manipulation Tool | OpenSuSE |
python38-SQLAlchemy | 1.4.39-qubes.2.14 | x86_64 | Database Abstraction Library | OpenSuSE |
python38-sqlparse | 0.4.2-qubes.2.19 | noarch | Non-validating SQL parser | OpenSuSE |
python38-sshpubkeys | 3.1.0-qubes.1.2 | noarch | SSH public key parser | OpenSuSE |
python38-stack-data | 0.2.0-qubes.1.3 | noarch | Extract data from python stack frames and tracebacks | OpenSuSE |
python38-stestr | 3.2.1-qubes.2.14 | noarch | A test runner runner similar to testrepository | OpenSuSE |
python38-strict-rfc3339 | 0.7-qubes.4.27 | noarch | RFC 3339 functions | OpenSuSE |
python38-sure | 2.0.0-qubes.4.3 | noarch | Utility belt for automated testing in python for python | OpenSuSE |
python38-sympy | 1.10.1-qubes.4.1 | noarch | Computer algebra system (CAS) in Python | OpenSuSE |
python38-systemd | 234-qubes.8.37 | x86_64 | Python wrappers for systemd functionality | OpenSuSE |
python38-tabulate | 0.8.10-qubes.2.3 | noarch | Pretty-printer for tabular data in Python | OpenSuSE |
python38-tblib | 1.7.0-qubes.3.28 | noarch | Traceback serialization library | OpenSuSE |
python38-tempora | 5.0.0-qubes.2.9 | noarch | Objects and routines pertaining to date and time (tempora) | OpenSuSE |
python38-termcolor | 1.1.0-qubes.14.27 | noarch | ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal | OpenSuSE |
python38-terminado | 0.15.0-qubes.2.17 | noarch | Terminals served to termjs using Tornado websockets | OpenSuSE |
python38-testpath | 0.6.0-qubes.2.69 | noarch | Test utilities for code working with files and commands | OpenSuSE |
python38-testrepository | 0.0.20-qubes.11.33 | noarch | A repository of test results | OpenSuSE |
python38-testresources | 2.0.1-qubes.8.28 | noarch | A pyunit extension for managing expensive test resources | OpenSuSE |
python38-testscenarios | 0.5.0-qubes.8.30 | noarch | A pyunit extension for dependency injection | OpenSuSE |
python38-testtools | 2.5.0-qubes.5.23 | noarch | Extensions to the Python Standard Library Unit Testing Frame | OpenSuSE |
python38-text-unidecode | 1.3-qubes.1.15 | noarch | The most basic Text::Unidecode port | OpenSuSE |
python38-threadpoolctl | 3.1.0-qubes.2.12 | noarch | Thread-pool Controls | OpenSuSE |
python38-tinycss2 | 1.1.1-qubes.3.129 | noarch | Low-level CSS parser for Python | OpenSuSE |
python38-toml | 0.10.2-qubes.3.41 | noarch | Python module which parses and emits TOML | OpenSuSE |
python38-tomli | 2.0.1-qubes.1.59 | noarch | A lil\' TOML parser | OpenSuSE |
python38-tomli-w | 1.0.0-qubes.2.11 | noarch | A lil\' TOML writer | OpenSuSE |
python38-tomlkit | 0.11.1-qubes.2.3 | noarch | Style preserving TOML library | OpenSuSE |
python38-tornado | 6.1-qubes.16.24 | noarch | A Python web framework and asynchronous networking library | OpenSuSE |